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How to present an idea: The secrets of a perfect pitch (pt.2)

Part 2 - Body language & attitude: body language and attitude

Content extracted and reworked by Fabio Sferruzzi (founder Echo Digital Studio) during the event Italian Tech Weekend Festival 2020.

Body language & attitude: body language and attitude

In part 1 “Storytelling & framing” (link part 1) we taught you how to tell your story, your idea, your project. In the section that we present to you today you will find out how to overcome stage fright and capture the audience thanks to your physicality.


It seems trivial or difficult to apply but it is useless to repeat that stress is your enemy. Rehearse your presentation several times, delve deeply into the most important aspects of your speech, and you'll break down a lot of the tension that could cause you to speak in front of your audience. Unless the situation requires a specific dress code, wear something that represents you and makes you feel at ease, always respecting your audience and the context in which you find yourself.

Use positive posture and gestures

Be reassuring, smile because it will help relax your nerves and put the audience in a good mood. Speak with enthusiasm communicating positivity and letting the passion for your idea shine through. Try to have a laugh, smile, relax with someone before starting your pitch, it will help you get into the right mood and charge you with positive energy.

Maintain eye contact

Really looking the audience in the eye conveys confidence, but it could risk making you lose focus. Avoid staring at one person for too long but look, pausing from time to time, at different people present at your presentation.

Focus on one thing at a time

Speeches that want to effectively tell an idea or a project to be implemented must have a clear and linear flow. Limit the amount of information on individual slides and guide your audience point by point without showing too much content all at once.

Show confidence

Express yourself confidently and confidently without ever leading to arrogance or superiority. Show yourself humble, available, understandable and reachable by all your audience. Sins of pride will not help the audience feel engaged and empathetic towards your presentation.

Don't stand still

Move steadily, take a step towards the audience when you need to emphasize certain concepts or while discussing crucial points: people will notice changes in your body language and understand that that passage is more important than the rest of the speech . Walk among the audience, change your tone of voice according to the circumstance, making it clear to those in front of you that at that moment you want to involve them in an even more direct way. Take possession of your stage, make yourself dynamic and engaging, move but do not exaggerate because on the other hand you could transmit nervousness and demonstrate insecurity.

Strive to stay in control

Even though the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said that "you have to have chaos in you to give birth to a dancing star", to shine during your pitch you will have to keep panic under control. As mentioned, rehearsing your performance can be very helpful but be prepared for the fact that you may lose your temper for a moment. Don't worry, find an “invisible” relief valve (a gesture, an object to hold) to hide this difficult moment from the public and start off again.


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content

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