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PipeIn offers a software platform and a hardware device, introducing a new concept of pipeline maintenance, moving from the current preventive approach to more effective predictive maintenance. PipeIn provides a B2B service that can be on-call or a long-term service agreement.
Last update: 15/02/2022


Year of establishment: 2021

Employees: 1-5

Incubation/acceleration programme: ZeroCleanTech Accelerator, PoliHub


    Startcup Piemonte - Winners of the Metroconsult award for the best business plan with intellectual property features, worth € 3000 provided in the form of consultancy services on the protection of trademarks, patents, design, copyright offered by Metroconsult. S2P - Winners of the S2P grant of 30k + acceleration path organized by PoliHub, Technology Transfer Office (TTO) and Officine Innovazione of Deloitte Italia.

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