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New anti-crowding technology in use at CeMeDi in Turin

It can also be used in other public and private contexts, to benefit the recovery.

Some experimental tests have begun in the Netherlands and Spain in order to start again to live occasions of collective sociality in safety: specifically in the two countries events, concerts, dj sets have been organized to test, on people all swabbed and wearing the FFP2 mask, the reopening of closed spaces populated by many people.

In Turin, the medical and diagnostic center CeMeDi instead, it began a test phase involving patients and staff in the healthcare spaces. The center has installed the technology developed by Iconsulting, integrated with the services of AWS Amazon Web Services, useful to map its premises and to monitor the flows and the correctness of the behaviors of the people who occupy them every day.

The control is based on a full cloud data driven system that exploits the images recorded by the closed circuit of security cameras in order to detect behaviors that do not comply with the anti-contagious rules and intervene as soon as possible to correct them.

The algorithm can process a large number of images at the same time , thus being able to manage moments of high flow of patients verifying that there are no gatherings given its ability to count exactly the number of people who are in common areas such as reception and waiting rooms, in individual rooms and corridors of the structure.

According to CeMeDi CEO Franco Perona this technology could be applicable to other public and private places allowing a progressive return to normality: "Our access flow is not different from what can be the flow of any other office and therefore I believe that this solution can be used for other realities".


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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