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The SMTC Academy in Turin, the first training school for sustainable mobility managers

The first project of the Polo della Mobilità Sostenibile e della Manifattura (Sustainable Mobility and Manufacturing Cluster) will start in early 2022, financed with €8 million.

SMTC Academy 's mission is to prepare and update the skills of professionals who will have to face the new challenges of sustainable mobility, the design of new modes and means of transport and services related to travel by land, rail, water and air. The project is part of the new Sustainable Mobility and Manufacturing Cluster presented in July by the Politecnico di Torino and Università degli Studi di Torino together with the City of Turin, CIM4.0, API, Unione Industriale di Torino and Turin Chamber of Commerce.

The first training module activated has a duration of 300 hours, which can be attended both in presence and remotely, and will consist of 5 months training for public and private middle management. The aim is to provide new skills to those who cover roles of connection between the planning concerning mobility and its technological development. Participants will meet with professors and managers of the sector for the theoretical part and will participate in exercises in the laboratories of CIM4.0.

Guido Saracco, Rector of the Politecnico di Torino, commented: "With the Academy we present a first important and concrete result of the SMTC, a structure designed to train all those managers, technicians and workers who will design the new strategies of sustainable mobility, contributing to the industrial, economic and social development of our country. The Mirafiori Hub of CIM4.0 aims at excellence and competitiveness, acting according to a model with Network Connections. The main hub in Turin is coordinated by the Politecnico di Torino and is connected to realities of excellence in Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Campania, Abruzzo, Tuscany, Puglia, Basilicata and Sicily: multi-territoriality strengthens global competitiveness and we are acting in this direction".

Elena Chiorino, Councillor for Employment of the Piedmont Region, added: "In Piedmont we have launched a real revolution in training, which can respond quickly to the occupational call of our companies, to be competitive and ready to face both the generational change and the process of digital transformation to which they are called. The re-launch of our Nation's economy must necessarily pass through Piedmont and it is, therefore, essential to focus on high-level training through the Academy, able to offer trained and updated personnel to those who want to invest in Piedmont. The SMTC Academy, operational in 2022, will be dedicated to sustainable mobility with an initial allocation of 8 million euros. Today training represents an investment for the future and not a cost as it has always been understood in the past and the integration between innovation and future is the real big challenge for our Region".

The training offer

The course, certified by Politecnico di Torino with its School of Masters and Lifelong Learning, will start on 13 January 2022 and will be addressed to Middle Management in the public and private sectors, to managers in charge of innovation, R&D, smart cities development, urban solutions, development of mobility services, planning and development of new means of transport and to managers of services for urban and extra-urban mobility.

The programme will be articulated as follows.


  • Objective: cross-sectoral and multi-sectoral understanding for sustainable decision making
  • Learning by doing: articulation of academic and empirical inputs with exercises
  • Project work: final with interdisciplinary teams and heterogeneous participants


300 total hours part time (5 months in total), in hybrid mode with high experiential content of which 48% academic teaching and 52% teaching with company representatives:

  • 5h Welcome & Assessment;
  • 40h Sustainable transport management;
  • 116h Deep dive strategic themes;
  • 94h Application and management skills development;
  • 50h Project work;
  • 5h Final Assessment.


Test for each module and qualitative assessment of the project work.


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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