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The CIM4.0 competence center to help SMEs and startups

The center, established by the Politecnico di Torino and the University of Turin with 23 industrial partners, will be present at the A&T fair with its training proposal.

The CIM4.0 (Competence Industry Manufacturing 4.0) competence center was built by the Politecnico di Torino and theUniversità degli Studi di Torino - together with 23 industrial partners including Eni, Iren, Avio Aero, Leonardo, ItalDesign, Michelin, Prima Industrie, Reply, Siemens, SKF, Stellantis, Thales Alenia and TIM - to offer support to companies engaged in digitalization towards the evolution to Industry 4.0.

In September 2020, an Academy was also inaugurated to focus on the development of digital skills, with courses organized to develop or enhance the knowledge of managers, entrepreneurs and workers. The competence center has decided to strengthen its commitment in areas related to technology transfer from and to companies, whether startups, SMEs or large companies. This high training path is realized with the collaboration of the School of Masters and Permanent Training of the Politecnico di Torino.

CIM4.0 will also be present at thedigital edition of the A&T fair, welcoming SMEs and startups interested in the development of innovative projects and solutions that can be tested in the two pilot lines of the center, concerning additive manufacturing and digital factory, before proposing the innovative solutions on the market.

During the three days of the fair, it will be possible to get in touch with the Learning Hub of CIM4.0, the training institution that focuses on the transfer of skills for the digitization of industrial processes and business, and with the managers of the Academy. In addition, during the event, the representatives of the competence center will award the first place project of the Innovation 4.0 Award with a voucher worth € 4,000, spendable in the paths of the Learning Hub or CIM4.0 Academy.


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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