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Politecnico di Torino launches the CryForm project

The study of new natural stabilizers for the agri-food sector will open up future collaborations with institutions and companies.

The CryForm project, led by Professor Elena Simone of the DISAT Department of Applied Science and Technology of the Politecnico di Torino, focuses on the study of new natural stabilizing agents for the agri-food industry, biocompatible and biodegradable crystalline materials. One of the current challenges in the field of pharmacology and biotechnology is to make pharmaceutical products and additives used in agriculture and food production easily absorbable without using synthetic stabilizing agents, which can cause allergies and have a negative impact on the production of CO2.

The substances to be developed during the project will make it possible to create new, easily soluble formulations whose active ingredients can be released in a controlled process. By studying and better understanding the mechanisms of crystallization of organic materials, it will be possible to give these formulations safer, more sustainable and economical pharmaceutical, agrochemical and food applications.

The project, which will provide the entire scientific community with essential new knowledge in this field of research, will make it possible to create products that are less harmful to humans in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields and to develop formulations used in agriculture that are more sustainable and safer. Improving the sustainability of these production processes is in line with the demands of Europe's Green New Deal, the EU's agreement to transform the European Union into a modern, resource-efficient economy.

Elena Simone explained: "The aim of CryForm is to study crystalline organic materials to understand how they can be used in the formulation of more complex products for use in the food, pharmaceutical and agrochemical sectors. I am looking forward to starting this project which will allow me to work with talented researchers from different scientific disciplines, and to create new collaborations with academic institutions and industries."


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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