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"Sport, what a business!" event in collaboration with ToTeM that will explore business opportunities in the field of sports during the ATP Finals

This initiative will be an opportunity to delve into the Italian sports ecosystem as a driver of innovation and business, in collaboration with Enterprise Europe Network, CONI and the Sport Innovation Hub Association.

On Monday, Nov. 13, 2023, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the House of Tennis in Turin's Piazza Castello, an event organized on the occasion of the Nitto ATP Finals will be held to tell the story of the points of contact between the world of sports and the world of innovation and business. "Sport, what a business! An authentic slam between records and business opportunities", organized by the Enterprise Europe Network in collaboration with CONI Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano and theSport Innovation Hub Association, will offer an in-depth look at the Italian sports ecosystem by analyzing its potential as a source of business opportunities.

The event will open with an overview of the Italian sports ecosystem and its connection to innovation and the future. Marta Serrano, President of Sport Innovation Hub APS, will moderate the discussion "Italian Sport Ecosystem between Sport, Innovation and Future" flanked by personalities such as Stefano Fabio Mossino (President CONI Piemonte), Anna Ferrino (President ASSOSPORT), Mauro Berruto (former National Volleyball Team coach) and Nicoletta Marchiandi (Head of the Innovation Sector of the Turin Chamber of Commerce).

Afterwards, it will be the turn of Rohn Malhotra, Co-Founder of SportsTechX, who will speak to give the audience an overview of the global ecosystem of sports technology and companies like his that have decided to operate in this field, with a special focus on the international perspective.

The panel "Sport, what a business!" co-organized with ToTeM Torino Tech Map and moderated by Enrico Cattaneo of The Doers, will provide space for dialogue between athletes and startups who will discuss the challenges and opportunities in the sports industry, dwelling on success stories and new innovative ideas born from the encounter between sports, innovation and the business world.

The event will close with an awards ceremony for three successful companies that participated in EEN Sport Itinerary 2023, one of the events organized by the Enterprise Europe Network during 2023 to celebrate and recognize the talent and dedication of companies that have distinguished themselves in the sports and business sector.


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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