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February 7, 2023
18:00 - 20:30

Tribe by ToTeM #3 | Market and technology, the two sides of innovation

During the event, in partnership with CTE Next, we will discuss the relationship between innovative entrepreneurship, the market and technology.

The spirit guide of Turin's startups reunites its tribe

ToTeM Torino Tech Map, the Turin portal where to find contacts, news, resources and events useful to startups and innovative companies in our area, continues its series of in-person events to meet the Turin innovation tribe.

The third event, in partnership with CTE Next, is on Tuesday February, 7 at 6 p.m. at the auditorium of the House of Emerging Technologies in Turin.

Does doing innovation mean discovering new markets or new technologies? Which of these two approaches has a better chance of success? Is it possible to use both? Startups, established companies and investors will discuss these issues.

18:00 | Accreditation
18:15 | Keynote speech: Irene Cassarino, CEO & Founder The Doers
18:30 | Tavola rotonda con startup, aziende consolidate e investitori

19:30 | Networking aperitif in partnership with Mammt

(There will be some Q&A with the audience during the panel discussion)

Powered by
The Doers

In partnership with:
Turin Chamber of Commerce, Comitato Torino Finanza, Club degli Investitori, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT


The staff of Torino Tech Map is in charge of gathering information regarding the event. For how to participate or register, for any changes in lineups or scheduling, please refer to the website of the promoter/organizer.

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