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December 5, 2023


The staff of Torino Tech Map is in charge of gathering information regarding the event. For how to participate or register, for any changes in lineups or scheduling, please refer to the website of the promoter/organizer.

Attraction and retention: building a people strategy in a startup

Attend the in-person training session at I3P to find out how to build a successful HR strategy in an innovative startup.

What role needs to be played by a founder? Is there a formula for producing 'value' in the short and long term? How do you design and implement an HR strategy to attract the best resources and retain them, considering the changing environment and considerable stress experienced in a startup? How do you build a team that works over time?

I3P has organised the training event "Attraction and retention: building a people strategy in a startup" precisely to answer these questions: the appointment is on Tuesday, 5 December 2023, at 4pm in Turin at the incubator's Sala Agorà. The event will offer an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities in the field of human resources management in a young innovative enterprise.

The meeting is organised by I3P, the incubator of the Politecnico di Torino, in collaboration with W Executive, a headhunting company specialising in executive search, and its two brands W Advisory and WeHunt. The meeting will be led by Laura Cavallaro, Partner of W Advisory, and Simone Suppo, Senior Manager of WeHunt, with the participation of Andrea Ferrero, Founder and CEO of Young Platform, a startup born in I3P and specialised in the Crypto Fintech sector. At the end of the event there will be a networking aperitif during which those present will be able to exchange experiences and useful advice on the topics discussed.

Participation in the meeting is free of charge, subject to registration on Eventbrite.

N.B. The I3P incubator premises can be accessed either from the main gate in Corso Castelfidardo 30/A, or from the pedestrian entrance in Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59, Turin.


The staff of Torino Tech Map is in charge of gathering information regarding the event. For how to participate or register, for any changes in lineups or scheduling, please refer to the website of the promoter/organizer.

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