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TIF is a digital platform based on the concept of a local economy that aims to bring producers and consumers into direct contact. In this online showcase, each company tells its story in a transparent manner and describes its history, activities and characteristics of environmental and social sustainability, thus generating consumer confidence. To purchase, simply check the delivery conditions and choose the products that will be delivered directly to your home by the producer.
Last update: 07/10/2023


Via Luserna 5, 10060, Campiglione Fenile (TO)

(+39) 3497998900


CEO: Giorgio Rasetto
Gastronomer: Daniele Rasetto
Business developer: Kevin Cardetti
Business developer: Alberto Viotto
IT developer: Gabriele Vernetti
IT developer: Lorenzo Cravero


Year of establishment: 2021

Incubation/acceleration programme: Réseau Entreprendre


  • Youth In Action for SDGs: primo premio
  • Participation and explanation of the project at the ICSD (International Conference on Sustainable Development)
  • Réseau Entreprendre Piemonte: won an annual accompaniment and acceleration program.
  • Starboost: scholarship for startup building program

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