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Artàporter is a shared art project conceived by a startup and now spreading throughout Italy. The web platform supports artists, businesses and companies-hosts-that offer their spaces to adopt works and make them available to all.
Last update: 04/08/2023


Corso Orbassano 402/6, Torino (TO)

(+39) 392 7475 547

Contact person

Dario Ujetto



CEO: Massimo Gioscia
Co-founder: Dario Ujetto
Art Director: Alyona Kosareva
Marketing: Lucia De Amici
Co-CEO: Gaetano Coppola


Year of establishment: 2021

Stage: Pre-seed (<100k)

Total investment raised: 55.000€

Turnover range: € 0 - 100k

Patents: No

Prevalent technologies: E-commerce

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