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Only one year after launch, Jet HR closes a EUR 12 million seed round

The startup offers a solution for human resources for payroll management and employee relations, already chosen by thousands of companies in Italy.

Just one year after its launch on the market, Jet HR, the startup founded by Marco Ogliengo and Francesco Scalambrino with the aim of simplifying the administrative management of personnel and reducing the bureaucracy related to the world of work, has shown exceptional growth and has attracted significant new investments. Thanks to a €12 million seed round, led by international venture capital Picus Capital, the startup has now reached a total funding of €16.7 million.

The funding round also confirms the support of prominent investors such as Exor N.V., Italian Founders Fund, 2100 Ventures and Proximity Capital, who have renewed their confidence in Jet HR’s project. The company’s partners include some of the most influential names in the Italian and international business and technology scene. These include Luca Ferrari of Bending Spoons and Alberto Dalmasso of Satispay, as well as Diego Piacentini, known for his role in the digitization process of the Italian government. Other strategic partners include David Clarke, former CTO of the world’s largest HR-tech company, and Felix Blossier, founder of a French unicorn in the accounting sector, engaged in a challenge similar to that of Jet HR in the digital transformation of the market.

Questo nuovo investimento permetterà a Jet HR di ampliare il proprio team, attualmente composto da 70 persone, e di sviluppare ulteriormente la piattaforma, che si è già posizionata tra il 10% dei software SaaS (Software as a Service) con la crescita più rapida a livello globale, secondo il SaaS Growth Report di ChartMogul. Nei prossimi mesi sono previste nuove funzionalità, tra cui la possibilità di gestire non solo i dipendenti ma anche i lavoratori autonomi con partita IVA. Questa evoluzione consentirà alle aziende di garantire puntualità e trasparenza nei pagamenti dei collaboratori e di avere una visione d’insieme e aggiornata sui costi della forza lavoro totale.

Robin Godenrath, Founding Partner & Managing Director of Picus Capital, commented: “We are thrilled to support Marco, Francesco and the entire team at Jet HR in their mission to revolutionise the payroll landscape in Italy. Italy’s complex payroll regulations, well-established networks of advisors and outdated ways of interacting with customers form the ideal basis for Jet HR’s innovative and digital approach. In particular, we are impressed with the speed of product iteration and the exceptional commercial drive demonstrated by the team from the beginning. We see tremendous potential in AI-powered automation to transform Italy’s payroll market, which is worth over €4 billion, given the current reliance on highly service-oriented solutions. We are excited to continue supporting Jet HR as a trailblazer of AI-driven payroll solutions.”

Marco Ogliengo, CEO of Jet HR, said: “It is clear that we are on the right track: the hundreds of satisfied customers and the very important Italian investors are now joined by the trust of an international fund like Picus Capital, which knows our sector well having invested in several companies in the payroll and HR field that have since become unicorns. They see the potential in us, and we are happy to work together and learn from them. It is essential for the future of our country to have a strong economy. Our contribution, supported by our investors, will be to free companies from unnecessary bureaucracy so that they can run“.

Francesco Scalambrino, co-founder and Product Lead of Jet HR, added: “Among the many satisfactions of this first period, I put at the top the enthusiasm of those who have adopted our solution and come back to us describing the choice as a turning point for their business. They really save valuable time and energy, but above all they understand the situation of each individual employee clearly. The same applies to the workers themselves. Thanks to the trust of investors, with the new resources we will continue to develop many new features and integrations that are crucial to bringing further value to our customers“.


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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