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Lo studio di Italian Tech sulle startup di Torino

Fintech, hardware, digital, medical: the ecosystem in the city is alive but a collective effort is still needed to excel in this sector.

These days, Italian Tech, the Gedi Group's digital information technology hub, published a report on Turin's startup ecosystem..

Starting from a numerical analysis, i.e. the 543 companies in our city's startup and innovative enterprise register, the first figure concerns the growth of this sector: +18.3% over the previous year. Encouraging but not sufficient if we go beyond the borders of Turin, where our city ranks fourth nationally in terms of the number of startups born and/or operating in the area.

The research proceeds by focusing on the ecosystem, specifically on all those realities such as incubators, accelerators, mentoring programmes that have flourished in our city in recent years. We are thinking of ESA BIC Turin, Techstars, Quickload, Vento, Takeoff, Magic Spectrum, Metaverse4Finance and many others that we have already talked about on our pages, which stand alongside the now consolidated experience of the university incubators 2i3T and I3P in Turin and Enne3 in Novara. The ratio between the number of startups and the number of such realities, of which there are about twenty in Turin, rewards our city compared to other European innovative poles. For startups in Turin, this means more opportunities to find professional support and investment and thus to grow.

During the first six months of this year, EUR 996 million was invested in startups in Italy, an increase of 30% compared to the first half of 2021. It was precisely in Turin that the highest round in our country was closed, with the 300 million raised by newcleo in recent weeks. In Turin, on the financial front, Exor Seeds Italy, the investment arm of the Agnelli family and the Exor group, has also recently come into play. Exor Seed Italy grants funding to Italian startups with simplicity and speed: €150,000 for each reality supported, just two weeks of preliminary analysis and a small share of the company's equity.

What is needed, however, is a bigger boost to the turnover of young innovative companies in our area. In fact, the average in Turin is €133,000, about 27% less than the Italian average of €182,000. It is therefore necessary that growth, process improvement, capital raising and investment in increased skills by incubators and accelerators translate into increased productivity, in order to effectively ground so much potential in our ecosystem..

For the full report, read the article on Italian Tech


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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