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Links Foundation

LINKS Foundation accelerates competitiveness by working with large multinational companies, small and medium-sized enterprises with a strong innovative vocation, but also intends to "accelerate the common good" in partnership with public bodies, intermediate bodies, nonprofit and cultural organizations.
Last update: 22/09/2023


Via Pier Carlo Boggio 61, 10138, Torino (TO)

(+39) 011 2276 150


Year of establishment: 2000

Employees: 160

Category: Research institution

Who do you address?: Aziende, P.A., Startup

Research Area: Information and Communication Technology

Description of services offered:

    LINKS Foundation, develops state-of-the-art technologies and innovative processes applied to real cases with a multidisciplinary entrepreneurial and problem solving approach to meet the challenges posed by digital transformation and its impact on the environment and society

More profiles in Training and Research

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