Torino Tech Map
ToTeM Torino Tech Map is a project designed primarily for young and bright innovative talents studying and working in Torino. The initiative is promoted by the Torino Chamber of Commerce, Comitato Torino Finanza and Club degli Investitori, and supported by Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT. The project is curated by The Doers.
To local entrepreneurs and, in general, to anyone wishing to develop a business project, ToTeM provides an up-to-date map of the players in Turin’s innovation ecosystem, divided into categories, and a series of additional resources: a calendar so as not to miss out on events and initiatives taking place in the area, in-depth reports and reports to get to know the protagonists of the start-up world up close and personal, and a series of practical guides to guide aspiring entrepreneurs step by step, from the generation of the idea to the launch of the business.
ToTeM is a platform open to contributions from anyone – institution, association, training organisation or private company – who wants to contribute to strengthening Turin’s innovation system.
Respect area
When using the ToTeM mark side by side with other elements or logos, it is necessary to follow the indications of the respect area shown here.

Correct uses of the mark

Incorrect use of the mark

The events in the presence of ToTeM Torino Tech Map, the Turin portal where you can find contacts, news, resources and events useful for start-ups and innovative companies in our territory, to meet the Turin innovation tribe.

Primary colors

R61 G51 B255

R27 G27 B27
Neutral colors

R123 G136 B168

R188 G196 B218

R242 G243 B248

R255 G255 B255
Tribe colors

R74 G115 B244

R239 G255 B49

R134 G110 B255

R252 G161 B94

R110 G207 B255

R247 G99 B99

R108 G244 B149

R255 G110 B169