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University of Turin to lead Spoke 2 project for NODES: Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry

The project will bring more than 110 million euros to the territory of Piedmont, Aosta Valley and the Lombard provinces of Como, Varese and Pavia.

Università degli Studi di Torino is a founding partner of the NODES ecosystem, composed of 24 players including universities, innovation poles, research centers, incubators, accelerators and competence centers. NODES will bring 110 million euros to the Italian territory and foster the development of skills, innovation and competitiveness, according to the digital and ecological transformation track.

UniTo leads Spoke 2, which focuses on the development of sustainable technologies and green industrial processes. Spoke 2 is based on the collaboration between green chemistry, sustainable energy, materials science and the bioeconomy. This is the innovative glue of the NODES project and provides funding opportunities for research, startups, spin-offs, enterprises and sustainable technologies, to boost green productions by implementing and applying the circular economy to industrial system processes. In total, nearly 7 million euros for calls for enterprises and more than 1 million euros to support Academic PoC projects.

The need to reduce the use of nonrenewable natural resources while minimizing negative impacts on the environment has led to an increasing interest in recovery, reuse and recycling. Therefore, the goal of Spoke 2 is the implementation of upstream and downstream circular economy approaches to develop green industrial processes, reduce, reuse and exploit industrial, agricultural and civil effluents, along with mineral wastes. Spoke 2 is based on three components: industry, education and research, which are integrated in the implementation of project activities. Cooperation among research centers, universities, public authorities and enterprises will boost concrete application of new recycled products at the territorial level.


Vanessa Lazzerini
Innovation Consultant


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