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New collaboration between the Polytechnic University of Turin and the Fire Department to improve regional safety

The two institutions will join forces for the next three years with research, training and development of new technology to serve citizens.

A three-year agreement has been signed between the Politecnico di Torino and the National Fire Department Corps, with the aim of strengthening the synergy between the two institutions and promoting territorial safety. The agreement, signed in the presence of the Magnifico Rettore Stefano Corgnati and the Fire Department Regional Director of Piedmont Eng. Alessandro Paola, provides for close cooperation in research, training and testing of new technologies for prevention and rescue.

Among the areas of collaboration that are most significant there are:

  • Development of models and strategies to optimise the relationship with the community in the field of prevention and rescue
  • Research on systems of fire protection
  • Testing of algorithms of Artificial Intelligence for searching missing persons
  • Enhancing the training of rescue workers with Virtual and Augmented Reality tools
  • Use of robotic systems for rescue in risk scenarios
  • Development of technologies for Search and Rescue in the aquatic environment
  • Use of remotely piloted aircraft systems for flight activities

A central aspect of the agreement is the training of students and undergraduates at the Politecnico di Torino, who will have the opportunity to acquire specific skills in the field of safety and risk. This will enable them to enter the labour market with a wealth of valuable knowledge and contribute to the development of new technologies for safeguarding human life. The agreement also provides for the exchange of information, documentation and scientific publications, participation in national and European projects for the development of common ideas, and carrying out experimental activities at the University's laboratories.

The collaboration between the Politecnico di Torino and the National Fire Brigade Corps represents an important step towards a safer future per il territorio. L’unione di competenze e risorse di due eccellenze italiane permetterà di development of innovative and high-tech solutions for prevention and rescue, for the benefit of the whole community.


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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