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La startup torinese Onyon viene comprata da Satispay

As it did with the acquisition of AdvisorEat, the unicorn made in Cuneo is proceeding with its growth in the Ho.Re.Ca. sector.

After reaching the billion-dollar listing, Satispay continues its run: in fact, the Cuneo-born startup has acquired a 60.9 percent stake in Onyon, a Turin-based startup founded by Marco Actis and Paola Lombardi, whose 13 percent stake it had already acquired last August. Last year, Satispay had already acquired AdvisorEat which, like Onyon, operates in the provision of services to the restaurant industry.

Onyon (an acronym for On Your Own), founded in 2020 in Turin, Italy, offers an app that allows bar and restaurant customers to use a QR code to consult the menu, place an order, and split the bill among diners directly with their cell phones. This app, already in use in more than 100 restaurants between Turin and Milan, allows staff to streamline the process of collecting orders resulting in increased sales and improved customer experience and wait times. The Onyon team found that, with the use of the app, participating restaurants and bars experienced an average 22 percent growth in the number of orders from each individual customer with a 12 percent increase in the average receipt.

Marco Actis and Paola Lombardi, founders of Onyon, had previous entrepreneurial experience in the restaurant services sector: in 2013, in fact, they had founded Pony Zero, a company incubated by I3P that offered management software to monitor and manage all phases of the delivery process through couriers, including in the service the availability of a fleet for home pickup and delivery, specializing in the field of food delivery before the 2018 exit.

Marco Actis said, "For the past 10 years or so we have experienced the Food & Beverage sector closely through the food delivery services we offered with Pony Zero, and today we wanted to put that experience and network at the service of a new way of ordering that we called Onyon."


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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