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Conio and BitPoliTo present BitGeneration, a new opportunity for high school students 

The programme includes teaching fundamentals on Bitcoin, economics, mathematics, computer science and the history of the cryptocurrency protocol.

Conio, a Bitcoin wallet, has teamed up with the BitPoliTO student group of the Politecnico di Torino to create BitGeneration, an educational course that aims to introduce young people to the world of Bitcoin. The initiative involves the seminars, in which high school students will have the opportunity to learn the basics of Bitcoin, economics, mathematics, computer science, and the history of the protocol, through the voice of qualified lecturers.

The lectures take place at the Politecnico di Torino and are recorded for publication on YouTube to ensure greater access to information. The partnership also includes funding for the projects of the Politecnico di Torino student group by Conio, which will provide support for the duration of the project.

Christian Miccoli, CEO of Conio, commented that this partnership represents an important step in the adoption of Bitcoin in Italy and that they are convinced that this will generate new talent and innovative projects.

The programme BitGeneration programme complements EduFin 3.0, a training programme launched in collaboration with Banca Generali and youtuber Marco Montemagno, dedicated to financial education. The aim of both programmes is to promote education and industry knowledge in an academic environment, paving the way for new talent and innovative projects in the world of finance and technology.


Vanessa Lazzerini
Innovation Consultant


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