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The Astro and Ardito teams of the Polytechnic University of Turin awarded at Leonardo and Telespazio’s T-TeC

The Piedmontese university wins first place in the Prototype category and also stands out for a state-of-the-art lunar rover.

Italian universities are confirmed as protagonists in the space sector thanks to the results obtained at T-TeC, the prestigious Telespazio Technology Contest organized by Leonardo and Telespazio. The event, now in its sixth edition, saw 29 teams from 26 universities in 10 countries compete against each other, awarding the best innovative projects in the aerospace field.

The Polytechnic University of Turin stood out in particular in the Prototype category, winning first place with the “Astro” project. This solution proposes a satellite training system for remote sensing optimized for the use of synthetic aperture radar, a key technology to improve the accuracy of satellite images. The Turin team, awarded with 10,000 euros, will have the opportunity to participate in the acceleration path of the Seraphim Space Accelerator, a crucial opportunity to refine their idea and facilitate its entry into the market.

The Polytechnic University of Turin also received another award in the Lunar Rover category, with the project “Ardito: A Modular and Sustainable Rover for the Future of Lunar and Planetary Exploration”. This autonomous and modular vehicle, designed for exploratory missions to the Moon and other celestial bodies, obtained the third prize and a funding of 4,000 euros.

The results of the T-TeC confirm the leading role of our city in the field of aerospace research, enhancing the ingenuity and creativity of young talents on the international scene.


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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