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Startups accelerated by Techstars Transformative World 2025 at OGR Torino

The program focuses on companies that will enable fundamental transformation and significant impact across different industries and geographies.

The Techstars Transformative World Torino Accelerator, the international program that has been strengthening the innovation ecosystem in Italy and Europe for six editions, kicks off at OGR Torino. On February 24, the kickoff marked the beginning of the entrepreneurial growth path for the 12 selected startups, ready to develop their potential thanks to a network of over 500 mentors, investors and strategic partners.

This year’s program stands out for its strong international presence, with participants from 7 different countries: Denmark, Montenegro, Portugal, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Hungary, as well as Italy, represented by six companies. A figure that confirms the ferment and dynamism of the national entrepreneurial fabric. From 2020 to date, investments in Italian startups have tripled, from 500 million to 1.5 billion euros, a clear sign of the growth of the sector.

Thanks to the partners Fondazione CRT, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, the program has not only attracted startups from all over the world, but has contributed to making Turin, and OGR Tech, a European reference point for innovation; the city has in fact been recognized as European Capital of Innovation 2024/2025 by the European Commission.

This year, the program selected startups active in high-growth sectors such as AI, Quantum Computing, HealthTech, Sustainability, AgTech, Retail-Tech, E-Commerce and Developer Tools.

  • AlterEcho (Copenhagen, Denmark): embedded robotics for highly controlled production environments.
  • Arbor Insight (Bolzano, Italy): End-to-end robotic technology for agriculture.
  • Axem (Budapest, Hungary): the new frontier of embedded software development.
  • BettaKnit (Prato, Italy): a community-based approach to sustainable knitting.
  • frnt (London, UK): Optimizing retail with AI-powered digital workers.
  • (Lisbon, Portugal): The world’s first AI agent for finding grants.
  • Lemons in the room (Florence, Italy): the future of palliative care.
  • Litlyx (Rome, Italy): open-source platform for web analytics.
  • MateriaIntel (Rome, Italy): AI-driven market intelligence for carbon tax adjustment.
  • Recrewty (Podgorica, Montenegro): hiring solutions with personalized psychometric tests.
  • spacebrains (Bratislava, Slovakia): the new frontier in training for blue-collar workers.
  • Vocations (Novara, Italy): AI-powered matchmaking platform for headhunters.

Techstars Transformative World Accelerator at OGR Torino, in addition to being an acceleration program, is a catalyst of opportunities: in five editions, it has invested in more than 50 companies from over 20 countries, to which another 12 are now added, which have raised over 120 million dollars in investments. 86% of startups have obtained additional funding, while 89% are still active or have been acquired.

(Source: press release)


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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