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CENTAI and AFC Digital Hub are launched in Turin: Intesa Sanpaolo invests in artificial intelligence and financial crime prevention

The two projects will be open to continuous collaborations with external institutions of various kinds in order to make a concrete contribution to innovation in the two areas of operation.

The Intesa Sanpaolo skyscraper is where the new advanced research laboratory for artificial intelligence participated by the banking group will be established. It is called CENTAI and fifty leading global researchers in the field of AI will work there, led by a Scientific Committee with an international high-profile.

The lab will work on developing new advanced uses for artificial intelligence, both for the Intesa Sanpaolo Group and for external companies and corporations. One of the first projects in which the CENTAI team is involved is the AFC Digital HubAFC Digital Hub, an acronym for Anti Financial Crime Digital Hub, a consortium that will work on the implementation of new technologies in tackling financial crimes and whose members are Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, Università di Torino, Politecnico di Torino and the artificial intelligence lab itself.

CENTAI and AFC Digital Hub can become two very important hubs for innovation in this field, both nationally and internationally, actively helping both the advancement of research and the increase of security in the financial sector. For the very achievement of this goal there will be much openness to collaborations with external companies, public and private entities, scientific partners, other credit institutions and financial intermediaries, as well as constant cooperation with Italian and European authorities.

Thanks to the potential of new technologies, all the players who will be involved in the upcoming projects, with the ISP Group at the forefront, will have the opportunity to improve their risk management, make management processes more effective and and raise quality standards in all areas of their activities.

Carlo Messina, CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo, commented: "The Group's digital and technological transformation will have Turin as its capital, and our Skyscraper is thus confirmed as the beating heart of innovation. We intend to anticipate the major changes related to technological innovation by investing in digital development and focusing on the best skills. CENTAI will be able to attract new talents and make a concrete contribution to the territory, with our constant commitment to training and the growth of new professionalism and skills. In addition, with the signing of the memorandum of association of AFC Digital Hub, we have started a path that will lead us to collaborate in synergy with some of Italy's scientific, technological and academic excellences to fight digital financial crimes, which unfortunately are constantly growing worldwide. AFC Digital Hub can be an element of support for the Italian candidature as the headquarters for the future European Union authority for anti-money laundering, catalyzing the arrival of investments and and highly qualified resources and accelerating the process of innovation and digitalization of the country."


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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