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The DIA will collaborate with the Polytechnic University of Turin in the fight against organized crime

The university will train Direzione Investigativa Antimafia staff to identify transactions on the dark web to counteract illegal investments.

Guido Saracco, Rector of the Politecnico di Torino, inaugurated the academic year by announcing the collaboration with the DIA, which was formalized in recent weeks: "A few days ago I received a visit from the DIA who asked us to collaborate in the fight against organized crime. Organized crime today is no longer what it was with Matteo Messina Denaro, now it is fought with new technologies and the Politecnico can make a contribution in this sense. I want to express my warmest congratulations for what the Carabinieri have done in recent days".

The agreement provides for the training of staff through the teaching of offensive cybersecurity techniques to DIA staff, to identify illegal transactions made on the dark web and trace illegal investments in cryptocurrencies.

Guido Saracco commented: "That organized crime works with these new tools is now evident, crime runs quickly on the crest of the most advanced technologies being able to afford to hire people and use these frontiers. We must make sure that the State can also react at a comparable speed , that's why we can help, thanks to the technologies we study, teach and research on."

Anna Maria Bernini, Minister of University and Research, joined the meeting via videoconference from Rome and took the opportunity to emphasize the value of the impact of research, in all sectors: "Research in Italy knows how to make a system and will be increasingly attractive. It must use the systemic shock of the PNRR to create a continuous detonator of economic development and growth. The PNRR has given a lot of money to Italian universities, which of course must know how to spend it, resources that will give us a creative force after 2026. This is the sense of the innovative infrastructures that must be a great collector of different forces, they must bring together universities, professional associations, companies, local and territorial entities. Everyone will have to do their part, this is the right moment."


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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