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Coesa's energy revolution in Turin with a 36-meter photovoltaic tower

The project will use recycled materials to combine energy revolution and sustainability.

An innovative energy proposal is being developed in Turin by Coesa, an emerging group committed to the energy transition. The company has launched a revolutionary challenge, a 36-meter tall photovoltaic tower made entirely of used panels, capable of generating 250 kilowatts of clean energy. The special feature lies in the use of second-hand panels, thus reducing the impact on the soil and promoting the recycling of materials.

The operation of this innovative tower is based on a technology that was already successfully tested in Finland last year. Heat generated by photovoltaic panels is used to heat the sand to high temperatures of around 500 degrees Celsius. This thermal energy is then stored in an insulated container and converted back into electricity as needed.

In addition to the clean energy approach, the tower also has applications closer to people's daily lives. Coesa plans to install smaller, 4-meter, 1-kilowatt towers, that could be used to charge devices such as cell phones, as well as have interactive features such as biometric parameter detection for an immersive experience for the public.

But Coesa's mission does not stop there. The company is betting on the market for used photovoltaic panels, a sector potentially worth 20 billion euros but currently lacking adequate regulation. Coesa has launched an e-commerce dedicated to these panels, guaranteeing quality and certifications for buyers.

Coesa's success is also due to the boost provided by government incentives, such as the Superbonus and Ecobonus, which have contributed to a 140 percent growth in the company's balance sheets compared to the previous year. With young and dynamic management, Coesa has a team of about 30 people, with an average age of 32.

Thanks to its achievements, Coesa is broadening its horizons by opening a new division in Central Italy, as well as collaborative projects with the union of Langa and Barolo municipalities to reduce electricity consumption in schools through the installation of new lighting systems. This Turin-based company confirms itself as a key player in the future of energy, demonstrating how innovation and sustainability can go hand in hand.


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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