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French energy giant EDF acquires shares in Turin-based Enerbrain

The company offers solutions to limit the consumption of any building, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and improving indoor air quality.

Enerbrain is a Turin-based company, founded in 2015 by Giuseppe Giordano, Filippo Ferraris and Marco Martellacci, that has created a series of software and hardware solutions to smarti manage consumption of any type of building with a positive impact in terms of energy savings, reduced carbon dioxide emissions and improved indoor air quality. 

In Turin, in collaboration with the municipal administration, Enerbrain has contributed to the requalification and energy efficiency of a total of 90 public buildings, for a total saving of 1400 tons of carbon dioxide. In practice, an impact equal to doubling the more than 100,000 trees in the city.

Thanks to its own research and development activities, which have made it possible to scale up the applications proposed by the company, Enerbrain has been able to achieve important growth results, operating in 13 countries and opening join venture offices in Japan and Dubai. The versatility of Enerbrain's solutions make them suitable for various applications, whether in public schools, public and private offices, factories, shopping centres or airports.

In addition to Edf, also Iren, Equiter, Azimut and Gellify have acquired a minority stake. Part of this capital increase will be used to develop new business models applicable to distribution networks and the creation of energy communities.

Giuseppe Giordano, CEO of Enerbrain commented: "We started with four people thinking of a business plan with a strong vocation towards foreign markets and this choice is certainly at the basis of our ability to attract investment from abroad. We will now open an office in Paris, continuing to develop partnerships with global and regional market players, but we want to remain independent and autonomous. This new investment round will allow us to strengthen the internationalization of our solutions that enable us to achieve the ESG goals of sustainability and digital transformation, further aligning with the requirements of the Green New Deal".


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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