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Addax Biosciences startup, incubated by 2i3T, wins IR20 award

The award instituted by the Piedmont Region is given to the most promising ideas of the territory realized by companies, startups and research institutions.

Addax Biosciences was established in 2017 and was born from the technology transfer out of the Pathological Anatomy research center of the Departments of Medical Sciences and Oncology and the results of the research team of Prof. Bussolati of the Department of Biotechnology of the University of Turin.

Addax, incubated by 2i3T, has achieved in recent years important scientific results in the identification of a new histological fixative, GAF, designed to replace formalin in histopathology laboratories without any negative impact on diagnostic accuracy and reliability. Formalin, in fact, is still widely used despite its known toxicity and carcinogenicity. From the entrepreneurial and scientific point of view, Addax in the last years has obtained the international patent of its substance, the necessary certifications to enter the U.S. market, has increased the size and organizational structure of its team.

The GAF, conceived by Addax Biosciences, will allow to protect the professionals working in the laboratories by reducing their exposure to risk and the costs related to the use of specific personal protective equipment. The credit of having translated the results of the scientific evidence collected in the laboratory into a successful entrepreneurial project goes toEng. Michela Gastaldi, who has been responsible for the care and optimization of production processes useful to bring GAF on the market.

"Such results perfectly represent the virtuous outcomes of what we mean by technology transfer: innovation conceived and developed within the University finds realization in an innovative enterprise through a path of accompaniment of researchers by the University of Turin 2i3T Business Incubator in the realization of their idea," said Cristina Prandi, Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology Transfer at the University of Turin. "In this sense, the chain that takes place in the universities from research to business incubation is an indispensable tool with high potential for attracting investment in the area".

Silvio Aime, President of the 2i3T Incubatoradded: "We believe that this milestone represents a result of the territorial system and testifies to the importance of the intervention of public resources and the results that can be achieved by integrating the intervention of public resources, the next step that will see us committed is to develop the network of health facilities that can introduce in their processes the product to safeguard the staff, for this step we hope to count on the support of the Department of Regional Health that would also complete a virtuous path."


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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