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A startup for dairy tourism in the Canavese area is born in Turin

The team was the winner of the hackathon Hack4Land, organized by SEIplus and promoted by Gal Valli del Canavese, Coldiretti Torino, Camera di commercio di Torino, Coeur de Savoie, SM Avant Pays Savoyard within the Interreg Alcotra Innovlab cross-border project.

Federica Cipriani, Anna Oliveri, Aila Lombardi, Leonardo Molinari of the Master Degree course in Systemic Design at the Polytechnic of Turin, coordinated by Professor Pier Paolo Peruccio: this is the winning team of Hack4Land, held on November 14-15, 2020, which is beginning the second phase of development of its project Cheers to Cheese.

Piedmont is the fourth largest cheese producer in Italy, with as many as 51 types of cheese produced, 10% of which are in the Canavese areas. The project of this team revolves around the idea of giving more visibility to dairies that organize tours and tastings through a platform that allows to combine online and in-person experiences, all completely personalized thanks to the learning of the preferences expressed by users and the previous experiences they took part in.

In this way it will be possible to give momentum to the many small companies present in the Canavese area by conquering new customers, declining their offer in order to propose experiences that are part of the food and wine tourism of the area. The experiences will be used to know the products and excellences in a deeper way, thanks to the guidance of those who produce them, discovering the secrets of processing through experiential visits in remote or in person, to be concluded with a purchase in the physical store or on the online platform. The web platform and the app are currently being developed and tested at the Politecnico di Torino, in the Open Systems course.

The Politecnico team as the winner of the fall hackathon had the opportunity to participate in the 6-month Design Thinking Workshop, led by SEIplus mentors to carry out the prototyping and testing phases.

The hackathon was carried out as part of the Innovlab project of the Italy-France cross-border plan GRAIES Lab. The partners in the project are Gal Valli del Canavese, Coldiretti Torino, Turin Chamber of Commerce, Coeur de Savoie and SM Avant Pays Savoyard, united by the aim of stimulating youth entrepreneurial initiative in the field of local development.


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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