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The new Sisal Innovation Lab at the Talent Garden Fondazione Agnelli in Turin

The new technological center of excellence entirely promoted by the company will be in charge of enhancing talents in the digital field.

The Sisal Innovation Lab, which will be located at the Talent Garden Fondazione Agnelli, will offer a group of young digital talents a place for comparison, exchange and growth, as part of Sisal's investment program in the field of innovation. In this regard, the company has already been investing resources in this field for some time with its task force of 500 employees dealing with new technologies and coding.

The laboratory aims to test new ideas and innovative applications in the fields of artificial intelligence and digital transformation, aiming to attract young talents from training courses focused on digital innovation.

Sisal managers will make their skills available to the project and to the young talents involved, with the possibility of a job placement in Sisal. The chosen location will also encourage the exchange of skills thanks to the networking opportunities offered by the network of universities, research centers, companies and startups of Talent Garden.

Mario Martinelli, Chief information Officer of Sisal, said: "We have always been an innovation-oriented company. Over the last few years we have made great strides: the offer has been extended to new countries, we have created new gaming platforms with the desire to be market leaders in technology, we have invested in Data Platforms and Artificial Intelligence, as well as revolutionizing our digital offer. Today I am very pleased with this new milestone: the creation of a hub dedicated to innovation that will be able to dedicate itself in the medium to long term, focusing on ideas, talent development, experimentation and research, helping the whole company to look beyond".

Davide Filizola, Chief Digital Officer of Sisal and head of the projec, added: "The Innovation Lab was created to combine a specific need and a common desire: the first is to actively contribute to the training of young professionals, while the second is to attract new skills. With this initiative Sisal wants to create an external observatory on digital issues and, at the same time, a great incubator of ideas that can then be translated into concrete projects to be developed within the company. For this reason, it will be fundamental to address strategic issues for our business, such as the implementation of artificial intelligence applied in Responsible Gaming, a pillar of our sustainability strategy".


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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