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Club degli Investitori creator and main partner of the "Entrepreneurs #Gen-Next" course organised with UniCredit

The course will take place on the premises of UniCredit University on 13, 18 and 22 March 2024.

Oggi ha preso il via il corso “Imprenditori #Gen-Next: Dai il via alla tua startup di successo" an initiative conceived by Club degli Investitori, che ne è anche Main Partner, in collaborazione con UniCredit. Il corso, articolato nelle tre giornate 13-18-22 marzo 2024, si terrà presso UniCredit University.

The course will involve 250 young students from 7 universities in the north-west, iscritti al quarto e quinto anno di diversi percorsi universitari. Gli studenti avranno l’opportunità di approfondire gli aspetti fondamentali della creazione di una startup attraverso sessioni interattive, confronti di idee e progetti, nonché lezioni tenute da founder di startup di successo. I temi affrontati spazieranno dal fundraising to management of patents, dall’implementazione delle marketing strategies to the first fundamental steps to launch and flourish a startup.

The initiative has been made possible thanks to the stretta collaborazione tra il Club degli Investitori, UniCredit e 7 prestigiose università del nord-ovest: Università degli Studi di Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Università di Genova, Università del Piemonte Orientale, ESCP Business School, Università della Valle d’Aosta e Università di Scienze Gastronomiche.

Il primo giorno, il 13 marzo, sarà focalizzato su finanza, innovazione e imprenditorialità, con la partecipazione straordinaria di imprenditori di successo come Pierluigi Paracchi of Genenta, Luca Rossettini of D-Orbit, Chiara Ercole of Saclà, Luisa Sala e Lara Rocchietti di Lalù.

Luca Rossettini, founder of D-Orbit, dichiara: “Sono felice di partecipare a Imprenditori #Gen-Next, un’iniziativa rivoluzionaria che riflette l’impegno di UniCredit, in collaborazione con il Club degli Investitori e le Università partner del nord-ovest, nell’incoraggiare una new generation of entrepreneurs. Through this training, aimed at university students from a wide range of faculties, we aim to unleash the untapped potential of young people, providing them with the skills and vision needed to navigate and shape the future of entrepreneurship. The aim is to inspire young talents to pursue their passions with determination, through sharing an entrepreneurial journey, thus helping to build an innovative and prosperous future for all".

Entrepreneurs are the base of the pyramid of innovation, of emerging technologies. When the entrepreneur encounters innovation, be it his own or that of a third party, he does not need to look for finance. It is this that runs to him", says Pierluigi Paracchi, founder of Genenta. "In Italy we have had great schools, universities, of management. We have no tradition of universities for future entrepreneurs. It is entrepreneurs who hire managers and not vice versa. We should have started first with the training of entrepreneurs and then with that of managers. Initiatives like #Next-Gen are therefore essential to aim for national technological leadership“.

At the end of the course, there will be a contest with the presentation of 6 pre-seed startups, proposed by 6 partner incubators and accelerators of Club degli Investitori, including I3P, Vento, SocialFare, 2i3T, Blue Factory ESCP Business School and UniCredit Start Lab. The founders will have the opportunity to introduce themselves to a group of business angels from Club degli Investitori and receive constructive advice from the participating students.

Giancarlo Rocchietti, President of Club degli Investitori, says: "We have often asked ourselves the question: are entrepreneurs born or do they become entrepreneurs? Entrepreneurial vocations are spreading more and more starting in high school, but to become true entrepreneurs, young founders need to learn how to develop their ideas with a view to the sustainability, including economic sustainability, of their project. The course is a concrete, unique and innovative response to these needs".

"Through this course we intend to invest in our young people and in their future to enable them to unleash all the potential they have, both as future entrepreneurs and as active players in a society that is changing and innovating", says Paola Garibotti, UniCredit's Northwest Regional Manager. "We are also proud to have contributed to creating, here in Turin, a social aggregate in which entrepreneurs, universities and banks work side by side to create an ecosystem that makes innovation and progress its focal point“.

The initiative boasts the patronage and support, as sponsors, of important entities such as UniCredit – Allianz Vita, Confindustria Piemonte, Turin Chamber of Commerce, Genoa Chamber of Commerce and Union Camere Piemonte, which will help consolidate the local entrepreneurial ecosystem.

(Source: Club degli Investitori press release)


Luca Coppolella
Head of Content


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