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Feat. Ventures

We co-create digital platform-based ventures featuring ambitious entrepreneurs. #venturingtogether is our way. Feat. is the place where extraordinary, curious and diverse minds come together to discover, create and build.
Last update: 16/07/2023


Via Melchiorre Gioia 11, 10121 Torino (TO)

(+39) 349 7477 283


Fabio Sferruzzi

CoFounder & CEO


Anno di fondazione: 2021

Dipendenti: 9

Tipologia: Incubatore

Natura: Privata

Modalità di investimento: Equity con servizi

Supporto a startup: Non costituite, Pre-seed (<100k), Seed (500k-1mln)

Programmi annui: 2

Startup in portafoglio: 9

Descrizione servizi offerti:

    CO-CREATION: Feat. is the place where extraordinary, curious and diverse minds come together to discover, create and build. When best-in-class founders meet a reliable and performing operational framework, ambitious ideas have no limits. From our team’s entrepreneurial experience, to our ever-growing network, everything is designed to create an environment where founders can thrive.

    CO-INVESTMENT: Quick start with our captive fund. Lirica Capital is our holding, investing in all new ventures we build. With Lirica Capital we have been joined by successful entrepreneurs and managers who invest and share their resources to support our new ventures, driven by their will to generate an impact for our country.

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