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MyOrango is the Generative Community of Freelancers, Professionals and Companies whose mission is to generate innovation and growth through the development of everyone's potential. Our goal is to foster relationships and knowledge exchange so that people can express their creativity and give space to new ideas. We believe in a world where authenticity and sharing are intertwined creating connections and opportunities. In our Community, diverse professional experiences and skills become shared resources useful in enhancing one's fullness and generating change.
Last update: 20/02/2024


Via Raimondo Montecuccoli 6, 10121, Turin (TO)

(+39) 349 5215 859


Co-Founder: Gian Luca Ranno
Co-Founder: Luca Rivoira
CHRO: Antonia Di Bonito


Year of establishment: 2021

Incubation/acceleration programme: BP Cube


    Winners BP Cube acceleration pathway worth €30,000

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